Marketing Science

Using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) may seem like an unobtainable step into the future for some businesses... but it doesn't have to be. Our data team can assess your business needs and find a solution to help uncover hidden insights in your data.
ML/AI Solutions


At Cypress North, we merge data science and data analysis with marketing campaigns using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI.)

ML and AI can help us identify different combinations of factors and data that are impacting performance to determine what’s moving the needle most, then adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Predictive Modeling
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Custom GPTs

A few of our tools

Python Logo
SQL Logo
Google Cloud Logo
Google BigQuery Logo


Whether you're looking to identify key factors driving conversions for a marketing campaign, review data points that are linked to a recent decline in website visitors, or capitalize on seasonality impacting your site’s Ecommerce sales, our data team is well-versed in a variety of ML modeling techniques.

Our team will help you navigate the sometimes daunting predictive modeling landscape to identify the best model to solve your business needs.

Data - Extracted By Experts V2


Forecasting is a great way to get a sneak peek into future performance, allowing you to shift strategies based on possible outcomes.

Whether you're trying to forecast next year's sales numbers, or are looking to plan for expected conversions from a key marketing campaign, our team can help elevate your strategic planning using advanced ML models.

Data - Forecasting

Custom GPT

Our data analysts are well-versed in building custom GPTs for a wide range of marketing, creative, and data analysis-based applications.

Whether you need an all-purpose ChatGPT to build analyses based on your marketing campaign data, or need a more specific GPT to fulfill a highly specific business requirement, our team is here to guide you on your GPT journey and build whatever you may need!

Data - Custom GPT

Marketing Science Solutions

Whether you need an individual project or a complete end-to-end data solution, we've got your back!

Request a proposal to get started.

Data - Team 1

The days of manually updating recommended next pages are gone!

Our data and development teams built a web-page recommendation model that can suggest recommended next pages for users on your site. This model can be completely tailored to your site's data, learning and adjusting in real time based on your site's actual user interactions.


We'll meet with you to review your website and overall business goals. Maybe you're looking to push users toward specific Ecommerce pages. Or maybe you want the model to sit back and learn from your user base before deploying to the live site. No matter your objectives, we'll come up with a strategy on the best way to deploy our model onto your site.


Once we've developed a plan of action for adding our Smart Suggest model onto your site, we'll get started  deploying  it so you can encourage users to click through to additional pages and stay on your site longer.

Whether you need to identify data points correlated to your marketing efforts or are looking to forecast revenue to help build a strategy, we're here to help.


We'll meet with your team to review overall business goals and the problem you're trying to solve. Our team is well-versed in a wide range of ML models, and will work to identify the best solution for your specific business needs.


Once we've identified your problem and put together a plan of action for implementing a solution, our team will get to work building out the model that will help you meet your goals!

GPTs are a great tool for supporting teams that need questions answered on the fly. Whether you need an all-purpose GPT to support your marketing and data teams, or a chatbot to handle client-facing questions, we’re here to assist!


We'll meet with your team to review your overall business goals and specific use cases for a custom GPT. No matter your objectives, we'll come up with a strategy to build out a custom GPT that fits your specific needs.


Once we've developed a plan of action, we'll get started building and deploying your custom GPT.

Need some more information?

Talk to Jack and find a custom solution that's right for you!

Head of Data

Jack Novorr