
Jess Budde

Vice President of Marketing Operations & Client Services / Podcast Host

Jess + CN

Established 2013

Jess is our Vice President of Marketing Operations and Client Service, and the co-host of our weekly Marketing O’Clock podcast. She joined Cypress North in 2013 and works out of our Buffalo office.

Jess works closely with both our clients and our internal team, overseeing account staffing to ensure client satisfaction. She co-manages our agency’s digital marketing department, works to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration internally, and acts as an account lead for a few of our clients. Jess also explores new opportunities for our existing clients and prospects.

A Western New York native, Jess graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communication studies from Niagara University before attending Syracuse University, where she earned her master’s degree in television, radio, and film. Before joining Cypress North, she worked in series development, talent, and casting at MTV during the golden era with Jersey Shore.

When Jess isn’t working or staying up to date on the latest digital marketing news, she enjoys spending time outside, hanging out with her son, and watching the entire Sons of Anarchy series on repeat.  You may also find her slinging beers at Brewed & Bottled, the bottle shop and craft beer bar she runs with her husband.

Jess is an amateur ornithologist, Limp Bizkit lover, Candy Crush professional, and hot sauce connoisseur who enjoys burning herself into oblivion with the hottest sauce she can find.

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  • Content Marketing
  • Organic Search
  • Paid Search
  • Social Media Marketing

Jess's Life At CN



Stay busy, feel nothing.

Progress, not perfection.

Feed two birds with one seed.

Let's not feed a fed horse.

I'm your Huckleberry!

Practice makes better.

“Digital strategy is a living, breathing thing. Consistent, open communication and ongoing analysis are essential to refining campaigns and building on success.”

Jessica Budde

Vice President, Marketing Operations & Client Services, Cypress North

Written By Jess

Continuous Improvement Techiniques CN Blog October 2023
Blog by: Jess Budde
Agency Advice

Continuous Improvement Techniques for a Growth-Minded Agency

Learn some of the techniques our agency uses for continuous improvement, growth and learning, and building trust - both internally and with clients.

Blog by: Jess Budde
Agency Advice

Managing the Client-Agency Relationship: An Approach to Success

A few months ago, we implemented a formalized internal structure for our client teams, designed to help us better serve and manage accounts. It’s a move that’s been well-received, both internally and externally, but one that took us a while […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Paid Search Marketing

A Google Ads Budget Pacing Script For Controlling Multiple Budgets

Reality check: budget management in Google Ads is not easy. As every Google advertiser knows, from novice to seasoned professional, setting a daily budget for a campaign is not enough to keep your spending in check. Why? Because we live […]

Guide by: Jess Budde

Tracking Success- Guide to URL Value Tracking

Without proper tracking in place, it’s impossible to accurately measure the performance of your campaigns. This section covers UTM parameters including what they are, what you can track with them, and various options for implementation in Google Ads. Plus, our downloadable guide to ValueTrack parameters covers the values they return and the campaign types they’re compatible with.

Guide by: Jess Budde

Putting the “Ads” in Google Ads: A Complete Guide to Ad Types

After reading the previous sections, you are finally ready to create some ads! In this section, we’ll walk through all the ad types available for search, display, and video campaigns in Google ads. We’ll tell you how and where to set them up, best practices, responsive formats, image sizes, and character limits.

Guide by: Jess Budde

Put Your Campaigns to the Test: A Guide to Google Ads Experiments

In the previous sections, you’ve learned how to set your campaigns up for success, but the key to a fully optimized Google Ads account is experimentation. In this guide, we’ll break down strategies and best practices for Google Ads campaign experiments. Learn how to set up data-driven A/B testing in your account to find strategies that move the needle.

Video by: Jess Budde

Tackle B2B Digital Marketing Challenges

In this video tutorial, our very own Mark and Jess discuss common obstacles that B2B marketers face in the digital era and give proven strategies for tackling these challenges head on.

Video by: Jess Budde

Google Responsive Display Ads

Response Display Ads (RDAs), the default ad type for the Google Ads Display Network, allows digital marketers to automate display ad creative to deliver the best ad that will resonate with audiences.

creating audiences from google analytics conversion probability report
Blog by: Jess Budde
Conversion Optimization

Taking Ad-vantage of Google Analytics New Conversion Probability Report

Not all site visitors are created equal. Some folks might come to your site because their mother sent them a link to something "interesting" (eye-roll Mom, I'm so not into that), while others might be doing some initial research on […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Digital Marketing Training

Updated: How To Exclude Mobile Apps From Google Ads Display Campaigns

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know we generally don’t like running ads on mobile apps. Don’t get us wrong, we love apps! They’ve made it easier than ever before to get information and connect with each […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Paid Search Marketing

Google Ads Campaign Experiments: How To Properly Read Performance Stats & Avoid Reporting Confusion

Google Ads experiments are kind of my favorite thing. There's just something awesome about being able to test a new tactic against your tried-and-true campaign setup and see how said changes will impact performance using real-life user data. Ahh, sweet, […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Paid Search Marketing

How To Automate Bid Adjustments Using The AdWords Weather Script

So You Can't Control the Weather... Are you a control freak? Do you relish the little things you have charge over and cringe at the thought of not being able to affect others? I am. I do. And this desire to […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Paid Search Marketing

AdWords Ad Extensions: A Simplified Rundown Of Your Options, And Requirements

If you're running any AdWords campaigns, chances are you're using ad extensions (if you're not, you should be!). And that means you've probably got a few go-to extensions that you know well and use often. But if you're looking to […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Paid Search Marketing

Firing Up Bing Ads? Crucial Differences Between Bing & AdWords To Consider When Setting Up Your Campaigns

Does Anyone Even Use Bing? As digital marketers we tend to hear this question on a weekly basis, if not more often. And while the mere idea that Bing exists is enough to shatter the worldview of many Google nerds/religious Chrome users, the […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Time Flies & Terrible Lies: July Content Marketing Ideas...NOT

Sooooo, remember last month when I said: Come back again next month for some July-inspired content marketing ideas you can really sink your teeth into... you know, as if you were a T-Rex or something. Well, it appears that I […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Candy, Cabins & Color TV: June-ified Content Marketing Ideas

Ermagerd! June is almost upon us. Is your editorial calendar up to snuff? If you waited until the last minute to plan out your content marketing for the month, you're in luck! We're here with our helpful post, just in […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Packrats, Playoffs & Plenty Of Flowers: May Content Marketing Inspiration

Hey you! Did you know that in just one day... Boy I love that gif. It's been a pretty popular one around our office this week, you know, since it's the best way to ring in the month of May […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Fools, Frogs & Furious 7: April Content Marketing Ideas

For those of you that spent the last month crying over my lack of content marketing post (just kidding, I love you all and appreciate that you were saddened by my absence), I have big news for you... I'M BACK […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Friendship, Fat Tuesday & The Fish Bowl: Content Marketing Inspiration For February

Dear February, Just because you have less days than everyone else doesn't mean you're any less of a month. In fact, what I love so much about you is that you're just as chuck-full-o-nonsensical (and serious) observances as all the […]

Blog by: Jess Budde
Content Marketing

Bubble Wrap, Bubble Baths & Belly Laughs: Content Marketing In January Fashion

The new year is fast approaching, and you know what that means... a brand new content marketing strategy for 2015! As you've likely gathered, we love nothing more than inspiring you to make great content. Baby New Year comes complete with […]

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