Friendship, Fat Tuesday & The Fish Bowl: Content Marketing Inspiration For February

By Jess Budde

Dear February,

Just because you have less days than everyone else doesn't mean you're any less of a month. In fact, what I love so much about you is that you're just as chuck-full-o-nonsensical (and serious) observances as all the other months. You make it easy to come up with genius content marketing ideas, and for that I'll always appreciate our friendship.

Love always,


P.S. Last year, the February post was adorned with super fun GIFs rather than straight-up images. I liked it. Hopefully you liked it, too. Let's do it again.



  • February 1: Dump Your Significant Jerk Day, National Freedom Day, Working Naked Day, Serpent Day, Car Insurance Day, Baked Alaska Day, Decorating With Candy Day
  • February 2: Groundhog Day, World Wetlands Day, Marmot Day, Hedgehog Day, Crepe Day, Sled Dog Day, World Play Your Ukulele Day
  • February 3: Carrot Cake Day
  • February 4: Stuffed Mushroom Day, Homemade Soup Day, Thank A Mailman Day, Create A Vacuum Day
  • February 5: World Nutella Day, Western Monarch Day, Chocolate Fondue Day, National Weatherman's Day
  • February 6: Bubblegum Day, Lame Duck Day, Doodle Day
  • February 7: Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, Ballet Day, Send A Card To A Friend Day, Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day, Take Your Child To The Library Day
  • February 8: Laugh And Get Rich Day, Molasses Bar Day, Kite Flying Day, World Marriage Day, Opera Day, Boy Scout Day
  • February 9: Read In The Bathtub Day, Toothache Day, Stop Bullying Day, Clean Out Your Computer Day, Man Day
  • February 10: Cream Cheese Brownie Day, Umbrella Day, Plimsoll Day, Extraterrestrial Culture Day
  • February 11: Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, Peppermint Patty Day, Make A Friend Day, Pro Sports Wives Day, White T-Shirt Day, Satisfied Staying Single Day, Get Out Your Guitar Day
  • February 12: Lost Penny Day, Darwin Day, Plum Pudding Day
  • February 13: Radio Day, Madly In Love With Me Day, Get A Different Name Day, Tortellini Day, Blame Someone Else Day, Employee Legal Awareness Day
  • February 14: Valentine's Day, Pet Theft Awareness Day, Ferris Wheel Day, Cream-Filled Chocolates Day, National Organ Donor Day, World Whale Day, International Book Giving Day
  • February 15: Singles Awareness Day, Hippo Day, Gumdrop Day
  • February 16: Presidents' Day, Do A Grouch A Favor Day, Innovation Day, Almond Day
  • February 17: Fat Tuesday, World Human Spirit Day, My Way Day, Random Acts Of Kindness Day
  • February 18: Drink Wine Day, National Battery Day
  • February 19: Chinese New Year, Chocolate Mint Day
  • February 20: Love Your Pet Day, Cherry Pie Day, Handcuff Day
  • February 21: Sticky Bun Day, International Mother Language Day
  • February 22: Margarita Day, Cook A Sweet Potato Day, Walking The Dog Day, Be Humble Day, World Thinking Day
  • February 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, Banana Bread Day, Curling Is Cool Day, Play Tennis Day
  • February 24: Single Tasking Day, Tortilla Chip Day
  • February 25: Inconvenience Yourself Day, Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day, Clam Chowder Day, Pistol Patent Day
  • February 26: Chili Day, Personal Chef Day, Tell A Fairy Tale Day, National Pistachio Day, For Pete's Sake Day
  • February 27: Kahlua Day, Strawberry Day, Polar Bear Day
  • February 28: Open That Bottle Night, Floral Design Day, Sword Swallowers Day, Public Sleeping Day, Tooth Fairy Day, Chocolate Souffle Day, Rare Disease Day




  • February is the official month of: bird-feeding, time management, cherries, canned food, adopting a rescued rabbit, hot breakfast, spay/neuter awareness, Black History, dog training education, youth leadership, baking for family fun, jobs in golf, creative romance, marijuana awareness, grapefruit, LGBT History, teen dating violence awareness, children's dental health, parent leadership, hoof care, caring about indoor air, weddings, pulling your sofa off the wall, the heart, inclusion, barley, and library lovers
  • February's first week is: Children's Authors & Illustrators Week, Solo Diners Eat Out Week, Publicity For Profit Week, African Heritage & Health Week, Boy Scout Anniversary Week, National School Counseling Week, International Networking Week, International Coaching Week, Just Say No To PowerPoint Week, Women's Heart Week
  • The second week of the month celebrates: Have A Heart for A Chained Dog Week, International Friendship Week, Children of Alcoholics Week, Risk Awareness Week, Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, Jello-O Week, Freelance Writers Appreciation Week, Celebration of Love Week, National Green Week, International Flirting Week
  • Week three is called: National Nestbox Week, National Justice For Animals Week, Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week, Alzheimer's & Dementia Staff Education Week, National Date (the fruit kind) Week, National Condom Week, National Pancake Week
  • The last week of February has been dubbed: Bird Health Awareness Week, National Engineers Week, Texas Cowboy Poetry Week, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, National Entrepreneurship Week, National Invasive Species Awareness Week, National FFA Week


skiing dog


  • January 19-February 1: Australian Open
  • February 1: NFL Super Bowl XLIX, and the other great bowls: Puppy BowlKitten Bowl, and Fish Bowl (there's really something for everyone)
  • February 2-15: Skiing World Championships
  • February 13-15: NBA All-Star weekend
  • February 18: MLB Spring Training starts
  • February 22: Tokyo Marathon, Daytona 500



Pop Culture

  • January 22-February 1: Sundance Film Festival (Park City, UT)
  • February 6: SpongeBob: Sponge Out Of Water hits theaters
  • February 12-19: NY Fashion Week (New York, NY)
  • February 13: Fifty Shades Of Grey opens
  • February 13-18: Carnival (Rio de Janeiro)
  • February 22: 87th Academy Awards Ceremony (ABC)


Feeling inspired? Good. For many of us, February is the last month of complete and total cold weather without a ray of hope, so stay cozy and hold on for a short while longer. March is coming soon, and its content marketing post is only a few weeks away...

Love Cypress North? At least like us? Then stay in our loop- TwitterInstagramFacebook.

Some say loop, some say circle:

Categories: Content Marketing
By Jess Budde

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Meet the Author

Vice President of Marketing Operations & Client Services

Jess Budde

Jess is our Vice President of Marketing Operations and Client Service, and the co-host of our weekly Marketing O’Clock podcast. She joined Cypress North in 2013 and works out of our Buffalo office.

Jess works closely with both our clients and our internal team, overseeing account staffing to ensure client satisfaction. She co-manages our agency’s digital marketing department, works to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration internally, and acts as an account lead for a few of our clients. Jess also explores new opportunities for our existing clients and prospects.

A Western New York native, Jess graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communication studies from Niagara University before attending Syracuse University, where she earned her master’s degree in television, radio, and film. Before joining Cypress North, she worked in series development, talent, and casting at MTV during the golden era with Jersey Shore.

When Jess isn’t working or staying up to date on the latest digital marketing news, she enjoys spending time outside, hanging out with her son, and watching the entire Sons of Anarchy series on repeat.  You may also find her slinging beers at Brewed & Bottled, the bottle shop and craft beer bar she runs with her husband.

Jess is an amateur ornithologist, Limp Bizkit lover, Candy Crush professional, and hot sauce connoisseur who enjoys burning herself into oblivion with the hottest sauce she can find.