New Year, New Scoop! Working Hard and Sometimes Remotely

The Agency Scoop is back with a new structure, new co-host, and new agency talk!
This month, I sat down with Maggie Humphrey, Digital Marketing Manager, at Cypress North, to discuss the pros and cons of working from home and how this can impact employee and company performance.
Meet my New Co-Host, Maggie Humphrey
Maggie Humphrey used to be an Intern at Cypress North several years ago and has since returned to the agency as a Digital Marketing Manager.
With over 4 years of experience in digital marketing, she has had the opportunity to work in both in-house and agency settings. She has taken the lead in our Rochester office and sometimes likes to visit us in Buffalo.
Outside of the office, Maggie enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and her adorable golden retriever, Oakley.
Layoffs from Major Tech Companies Moving into the New Year
With revenue down for many major tech companies, layoffs begin as companies like Twitter, Alphabet, and YouTube are moving back toward their pre-pandemic staffing numbers.
As these companies focus on being more efficient, they are also using these large layoffs to get rid of the poor-performing employees.
While it may not be an excuse to get rid of poor-performing employees, it may be a saving-grace to help in strengthening the company’s structure, especially moving into the new year.
Work from Home > Office?
For our main discussion, we wanted to dive into the ever-evolving debate of working in the office versus working from home.
Since the pandemic, working from home has become a new norm, with many companies continuing the practice well after the pandemic has settled.
For some, working remotely can be easy and enjoyable, however, it can also be difficult for those who may have trouble focusing at home.
Maggie and I both give our takes on this new trend and why we have different preferences.
Working from home may not be for everyone, especially at the start. But with the right employee drive and company culture, working from home can be a comfortable norm for what used to be the traditional in-office work environment.
Want to hear more from us?
Make sure to listen to the full episode to hear more of our takes, our wins, and our upcoming news!
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About The Agency Scoop
Each episode, we tackle a specific topic with another friend from Cypress North or pull in leaders from other companies. We’ll chat about what’s helping our agency grow, how we work with clients, things that bring us joy, and even the challenges we face. Please subscribe on your favorite podcast player to follow along!